Horizon Hydrogène





KHIMOD is a French climate-tech company, which develops and sells solutions to produce synthetic molecules namely e-methane (eNG, SNG), e-methanol and e-fuels (SAFs), all the while reusing and valorizing CO2, combined with decarbonized hydrogen. KHIMOD is also active on the flow chemistry market. KHIMOD’s solutions are based on innovative heat exchanger-reactors (HERs), manufactured by diffusion bonding, giving outstanding performances at extreme temperature or pressure,. KHIMOD actively contributes to decarbonization and operates on a number of markets on a global scale such as air and maritime transport, waste valorization, chemistry and hard-to-abate industries (e.g. steel or cement). KHIMOD is involved in several groundbreaking collaborative projects in power-to-gas (Jupiter1000, Methycentre) and SAFs production (Avebio).

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